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IRC::Log - role providing interface to IRC logs


use IRC::Log;

class IRC::Log::Foo does IRC::Log {
    method parse-log(
      str $text,
          $last-hour               is raw,
          $last-minute             is raw,
          $ordinal                 is raw,
          $linenr                  is raw,
          $nr-control-entries      is raw,
          $nr-conversation-entries is raw,
    --> Nil) {

sub EXPORT() { IRC::Log::Foo.EXPORT }  # Entry eqv Entry

my $log = IRC::Log::Foo.new($filename.IO);

say "Logs from $log.date()";
.say for $log.entries.List;

my $log = IRC::Log::Foo.new($text, $date);


IRC::Log provides a role providing an interface to IRC logs in various formats. Each log is supposed to contain all messages from a given date.

The parse-log method must be provided by the consuming class.



    method parse-log(
      str $text,
          $last-hour               is raw,
          $last-minute             is raw,
          $ordinal                 is raw,
          $linenr                  is raw,
          $nr-control-entries      is raw,
          $nr-conversation-entries is raw,
    --> Nil) {

The parse-log instance method should be provided by the consuming class. Examples of the implementation of this method can be found in the IRC::Log::Colabti and IRC::Log::Textual modules.

It is supposed to take 5 positional parameters that are assumed to be correctly updated by the logic in the .parse-log method.

The (partial) log to be parsed.

An is raw variable that contains the last hour value seen in messages. It is set to -1 the first time, so that it is always unequal to any hour value that will be encountered.

An is raw variable that contains the last minute value seen in messages. It is set to -1 the first time, so that it is always unequal to any minute value that will be encountered.

An is raw variable that contains the last ordinal value seen in messages. It is set to 0 the first time.

An is raw variable that contains the line number last parsed in the log. It is set to -1 the first time, so that the first line parsed will be 0.

An is raw variable that needs to be incremented whenever a control message is created.

An is raw variable that needs to be incremented whenever a conversation message is created.



my $log = IRC::Log::Foo.new($filename.IO);

my $log = IRC::Log::Foo.new($text, $date);

The new class method either takes an IO object as the first parameter, and a Date object as the optional second parameter (eliding the Date from the basename if not specified), and returns an instantiated object representing the entries in that log file.

Or it will take a Str as the first parameter for the text of the log, and a Date as the second parameter.

Any lines that can not be interpreted, are ignored: they are available with the problems method.


sub EXPORT() { IRC::Log::Foo.EXPORT }

The EXPORT class method returns a Map to be used in an EXPORT sub to have the consuming class export an eqv infix operator that can quickly see if two Entry objects are equivalent (as in: same type, same heartbeat and same message).


with IRC::Log::Foo.IO2Date($path) -> $date {
    say "the date of $path is $date";
else {
    say "$path does not appear to be a log file";

The IO2Date class method interpretes the given IO::Path object and attempts to elide a Date object from it. It returns Nil if it could not.



dd $log.date;  # "2021-04-22"

The date instance method returns the string of the date of the log.


dd $log.Date;  # Date.new(2021,4,22)

The Date instance method returns the date of the log as a Date object..


.say for $log.entries.List;                       # all entries

.say for $log.entries.List.grep(*.conversation);  # only actual conversation

The entries instance method returns an IterationBuffer with entries from the log. It contains instances of one of the following classes:


.say for $log.entries-ge-target($target);

The entries-from-target instance method returns all entries that are after and including the given target.


.say for $log.entries-gt-target($target);

The entries-gt-target instance method returns all entries that are after (so not including) the given target.


.say for $log.entries-le-target($target);

The entries-le-target instance method returns all entries that are before and including the given target.


.say for $log.entries-lt-target($target);

The entries-lt-target instance method returns all entries that are before (so not including) the given target.


.say for $log.entries-of-nick($nick);

The entries-of-nick instance method takes a nick as parameter and returns a Seq consisting of the entries of the given nick (if any).


.say for $log.entries-of-nick-names(@nick-names);

The entries-of-nick-names instance method takes a list of nick-names and returns a Seq consisting of the entries of the given nick names (if any).


say $log.first-entry;

The first-entry instance method returns the first entry of the log.


say $log.first-target;  # 2021-04-23

The first-target instance method returns the target of the first entry.


say $log.last-entry;

The last-entry instance method returns the last entry of the log.


say $log.last-target;  # 2021-04-29

The last-target instance method returns the target of the last entry.


say $log.last-topic-change;  # liz changed topic to "hello world"

The last-topic-change instance method returns the entry that contains the last change of topic. Returns Nil if there wasn't any topic change.


.say for $log.nick-indices;

The nick-indices instance method returns a Hash with the nick names that have been found as keys, and the associated ordinal number as value.


.say for $log.nick-names;

The nick-names instance method returns a native str array with the nick names that have been found in the order they were found.


say $log.nr-control-entries;

The nr-control-entries instance method returns an integer representing the number of control entries in this log. It is calculated lazily


say $log.nr-conversation-entries;

The nr-conversation-entries instance method returns an integer representing the number of conversation entries in this log.


.say for $log.problems.List;

The problems instance method returns an IterationBuffer with Pairs of lines that could not be interpreted in the log. The key is a string with the line number and a reason it could not be interpreted. The value is the actual line.


say "contains 'foo'" if $log.raw.contains('foo');

The raw instance method returns the raw text version of the log. It can e.g. be used to do a quick check whether a string occurs in the raw text, before checking entries for a given string.

.say for $channel.search;             # all entries in chronological order

.say for $channel.search(:reverse);   # all in reverse chronological order

.say for $channel.search(:control);            # control messages only

.say for $channel.search(:conversation);       # conversational messages only

.say for $channel.search(:matches(/ \d+ /);    # matching regex

.say for $channel.search(:starts-with<m:>);    # starting with text

.say for $channel.search(:contains<foo>);      # containing string

.say for $channel.search(:words<foo>);         # containing word

.say for $channel.search(:nick-names<lizmat timo>); # for one or more nick names

.say for $channel.search(:lt-target($target);  # entries before target

.say for $channel.search(:le-target($target);  # entries until target

.say for $channel.search(:ge-target($target);  # entries from target

.say for $channel.search(:gt-target($target);  # entries after target

.say for $channel.search(:@targets);           # entries of these targets

.say for $channel.search(
  :nick-names<lizmat japhb>,
  :contains<question answer>, :all,

The search instance method provides a way to look for specific entries in the log by zero or more criteria and modifiers. The following criteria can be specified:


Modifier. Boolean indicating that if multiple words are specified with contains, starts-with or words, then all words should match to include the entry.


A string consisting of one or more .words that the .message of an entry should contain to be selected. By default, any of the specified words will cause an entry to be included, unless the all modifier has been specified with a True value. By default, string matching will be case sensitive, unless the ignorecase modifier has been specified with a True value.

Implies conversation is specified with a True value.


Boolean indicating to only include entries that return True on their .control method. Defaults to no filtering if not specified.


Boolean indicating to only include entries that return True on their .conversation method. Defaults to no filtering if not specified.


A string indicating the .target of an entry should be equal to, or later than (alphabetically greater than or equal). Specified target may be of a different date than of the log.


A string indicating the .target of an entry should be later than (alphabetically greater than). Specified target may be of a different date than of the log.


Modifier. Boolean indicating that string checking with contains, starts-with or words, should be done case-insensitively if specified with a True value.


A string indicating the .target of an entry should be equal to, or before (alphabetically less than or equal). Specified target may be of a different date than of the log.


A string indicating the .target of an entry should be before (alphabetically less than). Specified target may be of a different date than of the log.


A regular expression (aka Regex object) that should match the .message of an entry to be selected. Implies conversation is specified with a True value.


A string consisting of one or more nick names that should match the sender of the entry to be included.


Modifier. Boolean indicating to reverse the order of the selected entries.


A string consisting of one or more .words that the .message of an entry should start with to be selected. By default, any of the specified words will cause an entry to be included, unless the all modifier has been specified with a True value. By default, string matching will be case sensitive, unless the ignorecase modifier has been specified with a True value.

Implies conversation is specified with a True value.


One or more target strings indicating the entries to be returned. Will be returned in ascending order, unless reverse is specified with a True value.


A string consisting of one or more .words that the .message of an entry should contain as a word (an alphanumeric string bounded by the non- alphanumeric characters, or the beginning or end of the string) to be selected. By default, any of the specified words will cause an entry to be included, unless the all modifier has been specified with a True value. By default, string matching will be case sensitive, unless the ignorecase modifier has been specified with a True value.

Implies conversation is specified with a True value.


say "$target has $_" with $log.target-entry($target);

The target-entry instance method returns the entry of the specified target, or it returns Nil if the entry of the target could not be found.


say "$target at $_" with $log.target-index($target);

The target-index instance method returns the position of the specified target in the list of entries, or it returns Nil if the target could not be found.


$log.update($filename.IO);  # add any entries added to file

$log.update($slurped);      # add any entries added to string

The update instance method allows updating a log with any additional entries. This is primarily intended to allow for updating a log on the current date, as logs of previous dates should probably be deemed immutable.


All of the classes that are returned by the entries methods, have the following methods in common:


Returns True if this entry is a control message. Else, it returns False.

These entry types are considered control messages:


Returns True if this entry is part of a conversation. Else, it returns False.

These entry types are considered conversational messages:


The Date of this entry.


The entries of the log of this entry as an IterationBuffer.


Create the string representation of the entry as it originally occurred in the log.


An integer for the absolute minute in the day (basically the hh * 60 + mm).


A string representation of the hour and the minute of this entry ("hhmm").


A string representation of the hour and the minute of this entry ("hh:mm").


The hour (in UTC) the entry was added to the log.


The IRC::Log object of which this entry is a part.


The text representation of the entry.


The minute (in UTC) the entry was added to the log.


The next entry in this log (if any).


The nick of the user that originated the entry in the log.


The index of the nick in the list of nick-names in the log.


Zero-based ordinal number of this entry within the minute it occurred.


The position of this entry in the entries of the log of this entry.


The prefix used in creating the gist of this entry.


The previous entry in this log (if any).


The problems of the log of this entry.


A representation of the sender. The same as nick for the Message class, otherwise the empty string as then the nick is encoded in the message.


Representation of an anchor in an HTML-file for deep linking to this entry. Can also be used as a sort key across entries from multiple dates.


No other methods are provided.


No other methods are provided.



The nick of the user that was kicked in this log entry.


The specification with which the user was kicked in this log entry.



The text that the user entered that resulted in this log entry.



The flags that the user entered that resulted in this log entry.


An array of nicknames (to which the flag setting should be applied) that the user entered that resulted in this log entry.



The new nick of the user that resulted in this log entry.



The text that the user entered that resulted in this log entry.



The new topic that the user entered that resulted in this log entry.


Elizabeth Mattijsen liz@raku.rocks

Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/IRC-Log . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.

If you like this module, or what I'm doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!


Copyright 2021, 2025 Elizabeth Mattijsen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.