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Geo::Location - Provides location data for astronomical and other programs


Use the default location:

$ raku
> use Geo::Location;
> my $loc = Location.new; # note no arguments entered here
> say $loc.name;
Gulf Breeze, FL, USA
> say $loc.location;
lat: 30.485092, lon: -86.4376157
say $loc.lat;
say $loc.lon;


Geo::Location Allows the user to define a geographical location for easy use either by manual entry, from a JSON description, or an environment variable (GEO_LOCATION).

For now one must enter latitude and longitude using signed decimal numbers. One easy way to find those for a location is to use Google Maps (on a PC) and drop a location pin with its point at the place of interest. Then select the pin, right-click, and see the lat/lon on the first line of data. (I have had some success also with doing that on an iPad, but it's a bit trickier for my tastes, hence my use of a PC for real mapping uses.)

Note the object has only two required parameters ($lat, $lon), but there are nine other attributes available. See them listed below.

Class construction

Use the manual entry:

my $loc = Geo::Location.new: :lat(-36.23), :lon(+12);

Use a JSON description:

my $json = q:to/HERE/;
    "name" : "Foo Town",
    "lat"  : 35.267,
    "lon"  : -42.3
my $loc = Geo::Location.new: :$json;

Use an environment variable:

Define desired attributes just like a manual entry but without the colons. Use double quotes on the entire value and single quotes inside, or the reverse, as desired. Note also strings without spaces do not require quotes inside the parentheses. Note also this is only used when (1) no manual or json methods are used and (2) a valid GEO_LOCATION environment variable is defined in the using environment.

$ export GEO_LOCATION="lat(42.4),lon(13.6),name('Baz Beach')";

Class attributes

There are eleven total public attributes in the class.

Class methods

In addition to the methods provided for the public attributes listed above, the following added methods provide some other ways of showing object data.

To Do


Tom Browder tbrowder@acm.org


© 2021-2024 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.