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CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge is a Cro::HTTP::Auth class for using Munge authentication with Cro.


On the client side, a payload that can be any basic data structure (or just a plain string, or even nothing at all) is optionally encoded with JSON, then passed to the 'MUNGE' service to encode into a credential token.

That token is passed from client to server in the Authorization header, with authorization method MUNGE (non-standard) followed by the token. Something like this:

Authorization: MUNGE MUNGE:AwQDAACo2CBRY7RWv/KTPN7WgyDcSXbnzrIBOITOEIeroK3nS8ND0GkZuqtaZnuBrZdSxzjZ/C+NwDkqTFHrgmiIbtwrbvKNCNeXYbR2BM6bxDz/PRGyN/I=:

The server decodes the token and makes the credentials available to the HTTP server code.

See the main MUNGE web page for more information.


This module gives you two classes (really roles so you can customize):



.munge - returns the Munge object used for the decode, you can query it for things like the .cipher, .zip, etc. used to encode the token.

.uid - The UID of the user.

.gid - The GID of the user.

.encode-time - The DateTime the token was encoded.

.addr4 - The dotted quad for the IPv4 address of the host that encoded the token.

.payload - The payload from the token.

.json - JSON decoded version of the payload.


Cro::HTTP::Middleware that can be used to handle the Munge'd Authorization.

This is parameterized with a session that does the CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Session role.

For each Cro::HTTP::Request it handles, it will decode the Authorization MUNGE credentials, and create a new session that stores the decoded credentials that can be queried from within any route.

Basic Server:

From a Cro route {} block, use an instance in a before statement:

route {
    before CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge[CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Session].new;

    get -> CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Session $session {
        # Use $session.uid, $session.gid, $session.json, etc.
        # to do something
        content 'text/plain', "Ok\n";

See eg/server.p6 for a working example.

A default Munge object will be used, but you can override with a custom one if you like:

my $munge = Munge.new(cipher => ..., ttl => ...);
before CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge[CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Session].new(:$munge);

Customize Session Server:

It can be useful to customize a little further to make the session a little easier to use.

Assume the client will be passing in a data structure like this:

{  a => ..., b => ... }

You can put in methods to pull those bits out of the JSON:

class MySession does CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Session
    method a { $.json<a> }
    method b { $.json<b> }

class MyAuth does CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge[MySession] {}

my $routes = route
    before MyAuth.new;

    get -> MySession $session {
        # Use $esssion.uid, $session.a, $session.b
        content 'text/plain', "Ok\n";

See eg/customsession.p6 for a working example.


You can use curl as a basic client, adding the MUNGE token to the Authorization header on the command line like this (bash shell syntax):

curl -v -H "Authorization: MUNGE $(echo -n '{"a":1,"b":2}' | munge)" http://localhost:10000/

You can also use the Munge module to build the header from within Perl 6 as a Cro::HTTP::Header object:

my $cred = Munge.new.encode(to-json($payload));
Cro::HTTP::Header.new(name => 'Authorization', value => "MUNGE $cred");

As a convenience, this module includes a CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Header that exports a simple munge() subroutine that does just that.

You can easily use it with Cro::HTTP::Client:

use Cro::HTTP::Client;
use CroX::HTTP::Auth::Munge::Header;

my %secure = a => 1, b => 2;

my $response = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: "http://localhost:10000/",
    headers => [ munge(%secure) ];

put await $response.body-text;

See eg/client.p6 for a working example.

Note you can never re-use the MUNGE token or header -- it will fail to decode if replayed. A new token must be produced for each use.


Copyright © 2017 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.