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Create and check META6.json files and module skeletons.

Depends on git and curl in $PATH and got a timeout of 60s for each call to both. Those are used to setup a git and github repo.

Module skeletons include basic directories, META6.json, t/meta.t, .travis.yml and a README.md. The latter includes a link to travis-ci.


meta6 --create --name=<project-name-here> --force
meta6 --check
meta6 --create-cfg-dir --force
meta6 --new-module=<Module::Name::Here> --force --skip-git --skip-github
meta6 --fork-module=<Module::Name::Here>
meta6 --add-dep=<Module::Name::Here:ver<1.2.3>>
meta6 --pull-request
meta6 --issues --module=<Optional::Module::Name> --closed --one-line --url --deps --verbose
meta6 --set-license="license name or URL"
meta6 --add-author="Another T. Author <another.t.author@somewhere.place>"
meta6 --release --version=1.2.3

Use as a Module

use v6.c;

use META6::bin :HELPER;

    say "checking URL: ⟨$_⟩";


General Options

--meta6-file=<path-to-META6.json> # defaults to ./META6.json

Create Options

--version # defaults to 0.0.1
--perl # defaults to 6.c
--author # defaults to user/name from ~/.gitconfig
--auth # defaults to credentials/username from ~/.gitconfig

New Module Options

--description="some text" # added both META6.json and README.md
--base-dir # the $*CWD for all local file operations

Will create a new module project in a new directory with a name prefixed with create.prefix (default raku-), setup git, push it to github (See Github below). The skeleton from the config dir ~/.meta6 will be applied (see Config Dir below).

Fork Module Options

--fork-module=<Module::Name::Here> # module name as to be found in the ecosystem

This will seach a module by name in the ecosystem. If it's a github repo that repo will be forked and cloned to the local FS. If there is a META6.info but no t/meta.t, the file and its dependancy will be added and commited to the local git repo.

Pull Request Options

--title=`git log|head 1` # defaults to last commit message
--head=master # branch in your fork
--base=master # branch in upstream repo
--repo-name # defaults to repo name provided in META6.info

Pull request need to tell github where to create the PR at. That in turn requires a proper META6.json to get the repo name from.

Releasing a module

To create a release on github use --release. The optional parameter --version takes a string that is used as a version and stored in the META6.json-file. Versions can be incremented with +, ++, +++ for the parts of a version with the form 1.2.3. A single + will change the revision, ++ the miner version and +++ the major.

A github-tag will be created and is the base of the release. The source-url field in the META6.json is set to the tarball of the release on github.

Config Dir

The config dir resides at ~/.meta6 and holds a folder called skeleton for additional files to be copied into any new project. This is where you put your default LICENSE or alternate .gitignore.

The config dir, a default meta6.cfg and its default subdirs are created with --create-cfg-dir.

Any executable under pre-create.d, post-create.d and post-push.d are sorted and executed with a timeout of 60 seconds each. Files that end in ~ are filtered out.

The config directory can hold a github-token.txt file that is used to help curl to connect to github. The token needs the scopes repo, user/read:user and user/email. Please note that git itself can handle a ~/.netrc-file and github will accept a token instead of a password.


To be able to talk to github your git-config requires a section as follows.

    username = your-github-username