Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Net::LibIDN2 0.1.1 Raku bindings for GNU LibIDN2
GLib 0.0.3 Raku library bindings for GNOME's GLib
LLM::Prompts 0.1.4 Facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.
JSON::WebToken 0.0.1 JSON::WebToken is a JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl6
WebDriver2 0.1.11 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Mi6::Helper 0.10.1 An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
Mi6::Helper 0.10.0 An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
DB::Migration::Simple 1.1 Simple DB Migration. Go up and down in versions.
Net::Google::Sheets 0.0.1 API access to Google Sheets
PDF::Font::Loader 0.7.6 Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
Sparrow6 0.0.42 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
_ 0.0.2 A meta package for zero-dependency micro packages of under 70 lines of code
Text::CSV 0.015 Handle CSV data. API based on Text::CSV_XS
Slang::Otherwise 0.1.0 Slang to add 'otherwise' block to 'for' loops
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.1.6 Jupyter Raku Kernel that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
Slang::Emoji 0.0.1 allow single emojis as scalar variables
LLM::Prompts 0.1.3 Facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.
Slang::Subscripts 0.0.8 Allow subscripts in identifiers, just as digits
WebDriver2 0.1.10 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Slang::Tuxic 0.0.4 allow whitespace between subroutine and the opening parenthesis
Slangify 0.0.3 Provide an easy interface to activating slangs
Slang::Tuxic 0.0.3 allow whitespace between subroutine and the opening parenthesis
Slang::Tuxic 0.0.2 allow whitespace between subroutine and the opening parenthesis
IDNA::Punycode 1.0.1 Punycode implementation according to RFC3492
JSON::Pretty 0.1.1 A JSON (de)serializer that produces easily readable JSON
Digest::PSHA1 1.0.1 Pseudorandom hashing algorithm as per RFC5246
GLib 0.0.2 Raku library bindings for GNOME's GLib
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.3 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
Slang::Piersing 0.0.2 allow ? and ! at end of identifiers
GLib 0.0.1 Perl6 library bindings for GNOME's GLib
Statistics 0.0.5 Doing statistics in Raku
Slangify 0.0.2 Provide an easy interface to activating slangs
Logger 0.4.6 A simple logging class
Slang::Roman 0.5 lets you use Roman numerals in your code
Slang::Roman 0.4 lets you use Roman numerals in your code
Slang::Subscripts 0.0.7 Allow subscripts in identifiers, just as digits
Slang::Subscripts 0.0.6 Allow subscripts in identifiers, just as digits
Slangify 0.0.1 Provide an easy interface to activating slangs
WebDriver2 0.1.9 WebDriver level 2 bindings
fez 55 one way to upload your dists to the masses.
Slang::Roman 0.3 lets you use Roman numerals in your code
Slang::Date 0.1.3 Slang adding date literals to source
Web::Template 3.0 A template engine abstraction layer for web frameworks
Trove 0.0.39 Yet another test harness
Tomtit 0.1.27 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
HTML::Template 0.0.1 A simple almost-port of CPAN's HTML::Template to Raku
Physics::Measure 1.0.18 Some support for physical measurements.
Physics::Unit 1.1.26 Some support for physical units.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230918 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
HTML::EscapeUtils 0.0.2 A Raku module to deal with HTML special characters