LLM::DWIM -- Do What I Mean, with help from large language models.
use LLM::DWIM;
say dwim "How many miles is it from the earth to the moon?";
# Approximately 238,900 miles (384,400 kilometers)
say dwim "@NothingElse How many miles is it from the earth to the moon? #NumericOnly";
# 238900
sub distance-between($from,$to) {
dwim "@NothingElse #NumericOnly What is the distance in miles between $from and $to?";
say distance-between("earth","sun");
# 92955887.6 miles
Meanwhile, in ~/.config/llm-dwim.toml:
evaluator = "gemini"
gemini.temperature = 0.5
This is a simple wrapper around LLM::Functions, and LLM::Prompts It provides a single subroutine, dwim
, that sends a string to an LLM evaluator, making use of a configuration file to say a little more about what you mean.
sub dwim(Str $str) returns Mu
This function takes a string, expands it using LLM::Prompts, and uses LLM::Functions to evaluate the string.
It is mostly equivalent to:
use LLM::Functions;
use LLM::Prompts;
use TOML;
my $conf-dir = %*ENV<XDG_HOME> // $*HOME.child('.config');
my $conf = from-toml($conf-dir.child('llm-dwim.toml').IO.slurp);
my $evaluator = $conf<evaluator>;
my &evaluator //= llm-function(
llm-evaluator => llm-configuration( $evaluator, |%( $conf{ $evaluator } ) )
my $msg = llm-prompt-expand($str);
For diagnostics, use Log::Async and add a tap, like so:
use LLM::DWIM;
use Log::Async;
say dwim "How many miles is it from earth is the moon? #NumericOnly";
This module looks for llm-dwim.toml
in either XDG_HOME
or HOME/.config
. This can be overridden by setting DWIM_LLM_CONF
to another filename.
The configuration file should be in TOML format and should contain at least one key, evaluator
, which should be the name of the LLM evaluator to use. Evaluators can be configured using TOML syntax, with the evaluator name as the key.
Sample configurations:
Use Gemini (which has a free tier) :
evaluator = "gemini"
Use OpenAI, and modify some parameters:
evaluator = "OpenAI"
OpenAI.temperature = 0.9
OpenAI.max-tokens = 100
See LLM::Functions for all of the configuration options.
Also, this package includes a llm-dwim
script that can be used to evaluate a string from the command line. It will look for the configuration file in the same way as the module. It accepts either a string or a list of words. The single argument "-" will cause it to read from standard input.
Sample usage:
llm-dwim -h # get usage
llm-dwim "How many miles is it from the earth to the moon?"
llm-dwim -v how far is it from the earth to the moon\?
echo "what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" | llm-dwim -
LLM::Functions, LLM::Prompts
This was inspired by the also excellent DWIM::Block module.
Brian Duggan