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This is a PDF rendering back-end for the HTML::Canvas module.

This back-end is experimental.

It may be useful, if you wish to manipulate existing PDF files use the HTML Canvas API.

If this module is installed, the PDF::Content canvas() method will automatically render to a graphics stream using the HTML::Canvas::To::PDF back-end. The backend can thus be used on PDF Pages or XObject Forms.

use v6;
# Finish an existing PDF. Add a background color and page numbers

use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Content;
use PDF::Content::Page;
use HTML::Canvas::To::PDF;

# render to a PDF page
my PDF::Lite $pdf .= open: "examples/render-pdf-test-sheets.pdf";

# use a cache for shared resources such as fonts and images.
# for faster production and smaller multi-page PDF files
my HTML::Canvas::To::PDF::Cache $cache .= new;

my UInt $pages = $pdf.page-count;

for 1 .. $pages -> $page-num {
    my PDF::Content::Page $page = $pdf.page($page-num);
    my PDF::Content $gfx = $page.pre-gfx;
    $gfx.html-canvas: :$cache, -> \ctx {
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.2)";
        ctx.fillRect(10, 25, $page.width - 20, $page.height - 45);
        ctx.font = "12px Arial";
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(50, 50, 200, 0.8)";
        ctx.fillText("Page $page-num/$pages", 550, 15);

$pdf.save-as: "examples/demo.pdf";