Rand Stats


Revision history for serializer-perf

0.0.5  2023-07-14T16:30:17-07:00
  - Explain different setup options in README, as requested by tbrowder++
  - Fix deprecation warning in GitHub workflow

0.0.4  2022-02-23T20:58:23-08:00
  - Missed in last release: update README to match change in defaults

0.0.3  2022-02-23T20:54:06-08:00
  - Default iteration count to 1 (some codecs are REALLY slow)
  - Quiet and capture codec warnings, reporting them in reliability section
  - Minor wording tweaks in docs and messages
  - Allow codecs and test sections to be turned off in base API
    * This is NOT YET exposed in CLI options
  - Support additional codecs:
    * Data::MessagePack
    * MessagePack

0.0.2  2021-07-21
  - Gracefully handle crashing codecs
  - Show codec reliability results
  - Support additional codecs:
    * Config::TOML
    * TOML:auth
    * TOML::Thumb

0.0.1  2021-07-21
  - Initial version, with support for:
    * BSON::Document
    * BSON::Simple
    * CBOR::Simple
    * JSON::Fast
    * JSON::Hjson
    * YAMLish
    * .raku/EVAL