Rand Stats


Revision history for Mi6-Helper

0.11.5  2024-05-08T12:54:09-05:00
    - Correct error in dist.ini: .yml extension was missing
    - Correct error in 'method mi6-new-cmd':
      + replaced line 38 reading
          my $dir = "$!module-dir/lib";
          my $dir = "$module-dir/lib";

0.11.4  2024-03-28T10:30:48-05:00
    - Require App::Mi6:ver<3.0.5+> (which fixed its own problem
        with mixed '::' and '-' separators)
    - Fix issue #11: confused by mixed '::' and '-' characters in module name
    - Change attribute name for clarity
      + $!module-base => $!module-dir

0.11.3  2024-03-11T11:04:12-05:00
    - Add 'mi6-helper' to tags'

0.11.2  2024-02-24T13:25:07-06:00
    - Add warning about issue #11
    - Use @ugexe's recommended test run line for linux and macos

0.11.1  2023-10-24T21:03:25-05:00
    - Major improvements:
      + Fix dist.ini to show correct windows workflows file.
      + Eliminate spurious .github/workflows/test.yml file.
      + Add dependency File::Find
      + Solved problem of incomplete commits

0.11.0  2023-10-23T14:14:48-05:00
    - Corrected handling of .github/workflow files by
      copying them to the resources directory so they
      are accessible to the %?RESOURCES hash.
    - Eliminate the .github/workflows/test.yml file.

0.10.1  2023-10-03T13:28:59-05:00
    - Correct Steve's handle
    - Clearer code using 'cmd' from module'Pro::Easier' instead of 'raku's 'run'
      (thanks, @sdondley!)

0.10.0  2023-10-03T13:15:39-05:00
    - More extensive and useful testing in xt
    - Clearer code using 'cmd' from module'Pro::Easier' instead of 'raku's 'run'
      (thanks, @sdondely!)
    - Use @ugexe's solution to replace prove6 (thanks, @ugexe!)

0.9.1  2023-09-09T15:48:27-05:00
    - Get Windows testing to be more reliable by using Github workflows
      test lines like 'zef --exclude="z" install ..." (for Windows only,
      not needed for Linux or MacOS).

0.9.0  2023-07-08T18:20:35-05:00
    - Improved the documentation for use of the hidden file for
      the 'provides' text.
    - Recommend the 'hidden file' option for the 'provides'

0.8.1  2023-03-21T17:06:58-05:00
    - Get the 'version' mode working for the installed module.
      Thanks, @ugexe!

0.8.0  2023-03-16T19:05:43-05:00
    - Really fix error with version 0.7.2 (and thus 0.7.3)
      and get back on a good track
    - Add rudimentary "old" mode, checks git status only for now
    - Move all extra dev material to /dev directory

0.7.3  2023-03-10T18:50:25-06:00
    - Fix error with rudementary "old" mode

0.7.2  2023-03-10T09:18:22-06:00
    - Update required version of App::Mi6 and Ask
    - Add rudimentary "old" mode, checks git status only for now
    - Correct typo

0.7.1  2022-11-28T08:40:25-06:00
    - Add notice about the fez requirement

0.7.0  2022-11-27T15:14:25-06:00
    - Ensure either $new or $old is selected before dealing with $provides
    - Move 'version' in help message to be aligned with other modes
    - Correctly corrected 'version' option to handle both local and installed locations
    - Make new repo push ready after all changes are made, including a final 'mi6 build'
      to update the 'README.md' and then a 'git commit -m"initial commit"'
    - Update the README for the new capabilities

0.6.2  2022-11-21T18:45:16-06:00
    - Fixed 'git add' for new files
    - Corrected 'version' option to handle both local and installed locations
    - Updated README for details on the three workflow test files;
      also eliminated duplicate lines

0.6.1  2022-11-19T20:00:56-06:00
    - Add all optional sections of the 'dist.ini' file
    - Add a 'version' mode for the module
    - Remove resources subdir

0.6.0  2022-11-19T07:02:49-06:00
    - Correct gross error in creating three badges
    - Make a hidden 'provides' file expected, but not required,
      in the event of no explicit 'provides' file.
    - run 'git add' for the new files created

0.5.4  2022-11-12T14:08:20-06:00
    - Add three testing badges to the README
    - Add to docs

0.5.3  2022-10-20T06:29:03-05:00
    - Removed unneeded dependency

0.5.2  2022-10-20T06:01:11-05:00
    - Capitalize Zef in the description
    - Add missing dependency

0.5.1  2022-09-30T08:55:09-05:00
    - The 'new' mode is now functional
    - Add some advertising

0.5.0  2022-09-29T19:45:27-05:00
    - Publish to the Zef repository
    - Make it functional
    - Reorient the purpose of this module to a minimal set of non-interfering changes
      with the possibility for personalization with an INI file

0.0.1  2020-08-11T14:14:28-05:00
    - Initial version