Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
App::Rak 0.2 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
highlighter 0.0.17 highlight something inside a string
Sparrowdo 0.1.23 Run Sparrow tasks remotely (and not only)
CSV-AutoClass 0.1.0 Define a class with a CSV file and provide data for a list of class objects in the same file
Git::File::History 0.0.7 Work with the history of a file in a repository
Text::Utils 3.3.0 Miscellaneous text utilities
IRC::Client 4.0.9 Extendable Internet Relay Chat client
Sparky-Job-Api 0.0.5 Sparky Job Api
Random::Choice 0.0.9 A Raku alias method implementation
Lingua::EN::Sentence 0.1.4 Module for splitting text into sentences
File::Which 1.0.4 Cross platform Raku executable path finder (aka which on UNIX)
Gnome::Gtk3 0.48.12 Raku - Gnome GTK+ Interface
highlighter 0.0.16 highlight something inside a string
App::Rak 0.1.12 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Edit::Files 0.0.5 edit a given set of files
String::Utils 0.0.14 Provide some optimized string functions
IO::Path::AutoDecompress 0.0.2 IO::Path with automatic decompression
PublicSuffix 0.1.20221020 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
ACME::Fez 3 package for testing functions on fez
App::Rak 0.1.11 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
rak 0.0.38 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
IO::Path::AutoDecompress 0.0.1 IO::Path with automatic decompression
Mi6::Helper 0.5.3 An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
Mi6::Helper 0.5.2 An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
App::Rak 0.1.10 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Test::HTTP::Server 0.5.2 Simple to use wrapper around HTTP::Server::Async designed for tests
Trait::Env 1.1.2 Trait to set an attribute from an environment variable.
Game::Sudoku 1.1.4 Store, validate and solve sudoku puzzles
Range::SetOps 0.0.4 Provides set operators geared to work on ranges.
Intl::UserLanguage 0.4.0 A simple module for obtaining the user’s preferred language(s)
Intl::LanguageTag 0.12.1 A module for working with BCP 47 language tags
cro 0.8.8 Libraries and tools for building reactive services in Raku. This installs the cro command line and web tool, along with HTTP (including HTTPS and HTTP/2.0) and WebSocket support.
Cro::WebApp 0.8.8 Support for building server-side web applications with Cro, including templates and form handling.
Cro::WebSocket 0.8.8 WebSocket client, and WebSocket support in the Cro HTTP router.
Cro::HTTP 0.8.8 Asynchronous HTTP, both client and server side. Includes HTTP/2.0 support.
Cro::TLS 0.8.8 Cro pipeline components for building services that use TLS.
Cro::Core 0.8.8 Implements the asynchronous pipeline at the heart of all Cro libraries.
Backtrace::Files 0.0.1 turn backtrace into list of files / lines
Digest::HMAC 1.0.5 Generic HMAC implementation
Geo::WellKnownBinary 0.1.5 convert WellKnownBinary to Geo::Geometry objects
Geo::Geometry 0.1.1 Classes and routines for geographic coordinates
UserTimezone 0.3.1 A simple module for determining the user's timezone.
Intl::LanguageTaggish 0.1 A role modeling behaviors of a Language Tag
DateTime::React 0.1.0 A module that produces a notification when clock events such as hour rollovers or daylight savings time begins)
App::Rak 0.1.9 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
rak 0.0.37 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
XDG::GuaranteedResources 2.0.0 Guarantees that a resource is present in the expected XDG Base Directory directory
XDG::GuaranteedResources 1.1.1 Guarantees that a resource is present in the expected XDG Base Directory directory
XDG::GuaranteedResources 1.1.0 Guarantees that a resource is present in the expected XDG Base Directory directory
UserTimezone 0.3.0 A simple module for determining the user's timezone.