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CLI::Ecosystem 0.0.3 Raku® Programming Language Ecosystem Inspector
Ecosystem 0.0.17 Accessing a Raku Ecosystem
PublicSuffix 0.1.20220926 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
DSL::English::RecommenderWorkflows 0.6.0 Recommender workflows building with natural language commands.
Cromtit 0.0.15 Cromtit - Run Tomtit scenarios as cron jobs and more
App::Rak 0.0.98 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
SQL::Abstract 0.0.1 blah blah blah
uniname-words 10.0.12 look for words in unicode character names
CLI::Help 0.0.5 add -h / --help parameters to your script
Markdown::Grammar 0.3.4 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
rak 0.0.26 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
GTK::Simple 0.2.1 Simple GTK 3 binding using NativeCall
DateTime::Julian 1.1.1 Provides a DateTime::Julian class (a child class of Raku's DateTime)
Markdown::Grammar 0.3.3 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
Odoo::Client 0.0.3 A simple Odoo ERP client that uses JSON RPC
Terminal::Caca 0.5.5 Use libcaca (Colour AsCii Art library) API in Raku
NCurses 0.6.4 Raku interface to NCurses, the text-based interface library
App::Rak 0.0.97 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
DateTime::Julian 1.1.0 Provides a DateTime::Julian class (a child class of Raku's DateTime)
Markdown::Grammar 0.3.2 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
rak 0.0.25 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
Collection-Raku-Documentation 0.12.1 Use Cro and Collection to supply Raku documentation. Different search system. Global and local TOCs and Glossaries.
Selenium::WebDriver 0.0.2 Raku Bindings for Selenium WebDriver
File::HomeDir 1.0.2 Find your home and other directories on any platform
Markdown::Grammar 0.3.1 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
CLI::Version 0.0.8 add -V / --version parameters to your script
Collection 0.9.1 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
META::constants 0.0.3 distribution related constants from META info
Markdown::Grammar 0.3.0 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
rak 0.0.24 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
App::Zef-Deps 0.9.5 Tool to show dependencies on raku modules given by zef
PublicSuffix 0.1.20220923 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
App::Zef-Deps 0.9.4 Tool to show dependencies on raku modules given by zef
HTTP::Tiny 0.2.4 A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
Geo::WellKnownText 0.1.4 Convert Well Known Text to Geo::Geometry objects
Pod::To::PDF 0.1.0 Pod rendering via Cairo to PDF
DateTime::US 0.1.0 Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
CSS::TagSet 0.1.1 CSS Markup Tag-Sets
Sparky 0.1.8 Sparky is a flexible and minimalist continuous integration server and distribute tasks runner written in Raku
rak 0.0.14 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
rak 0.0.23 Plumbing to be able to look for stuff
Git::Files 0.0.2 List known files of a git repository
path-utils 0.0.9 low-level path introspection utility functions
String::Utils 0.0.12 Provide some optimized string functions
String::Utils 0.0.11 Provide some optimized string functions
RakuConfig 0.7.3 Get config files that are Raku structures
Chemistry::Stoichiometry 0.1.4 Package for Stoichiometry procedures: chemical formula parsing, chemical equations balancing. Contains relevant chemical element data. Multi-language support.
Git::Files 0.0.1 List known files of a git repository
App::Zef-Deps 0.9.3 Tool to show dependencies on raku modules given by zef
Win32::Registry 0.0.7 Query the Windows registry using the Windows API