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Jupyter::Chatbook 0.1.2 Jupyter Raku Kernel that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
Text::Plot 0.1.1 Text plots.
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.8 Basic TUI Widgets
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.1.1 Jupyter Raku Kernel that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
LLM::Functions 0.1.8 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Text::SubParsers 0.1.4 Text::SubParsers is for extracting and processing of interpret-able sub-strings in texts
DateTime::Grammar 0.1.3 DateTime grammar and actions.
WebDriver2 0.1.4 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Bitcoin::Core::Secp256k1 0.0.18 Raku binding to optimized C library for ECDSA signatures
WebDriver2 0.1.3 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.1.0 Jupyter Raku Kernel that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
Intl::Token::Number 0.6 A module for detecting numbers in localized format
WebDriver2 0.1.2 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Jupyter::Kernel 0.0.22 Raku Kernel for Jupyter Notebooks
Text::SubParsers 0.1.3 Text::SubParsers is for extracting and processing of interpret-able sub-strings in texts
Grammar::TokenProcessing 0.1.10 Processing grammar files in order to extract tokens, to replace token names, or to add fuzzy matching expressions in token definitions.
WebDriver2 0.1.1 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Physics::Measure 1.0.17 Some support for physical measurements.
PDF::Font::Loader 0.7.5 Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
Inline::J 0.4.6 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Inline::J 0.4.5 Use the J programming language inside Raku
WebDriver2 0.1.0 WebDriver level 2 bindings
Inline::J 0.4.4 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Inline::J 0.4.3 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Lingua::EN::Sentence 0.1.5 Module for splitting text into sentences
Inline::J 0.4.2 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Physics::Unit 1.1.25 Some support for physical units.
Touch 0.7.0 Change file timestamps
Config::Parser::toml 1.0.4 TOML parser for Config
Config::Parser::toml 1.0.3 TOML parser for Config
App::Crag 0.0.11 calculator using raku grammars
App::Crag 0.0.10 calculator using raku grammars
Physics::Unit 1.1.24 Some support for physical units.
App::Crag 0.0.9 calculator using raku grammars
Physics::Unit 1.1.23 Some support for physical units.
Physics::Measure 1.0.16 Some support for physical measurements.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230827 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
DSL::Shared 0.2.1 DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows 0.6.2 Data query workflows building by natural language commands.
DSL::English::RecommenderWorkflows 0.6.2 Recommender workflows building with natural language commands.
Config::BINDish 0.0.17 Extensible BIND9-like Configuration Files Support
LibXML 0.10.5 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
Physics::Unit 1.1.22 Some support for physical units.
Clipboard 0.1.1 Raku package for using clipboards of different operating systems. (I.e., copy and paste with any OS.)
Clipboard 0.1.0 Raku package for using clipboards of different operating systems. (I.e., copy and paste with any OS.)
WWW::GCloud::API::Storage 0.0.2 Google Cloud Storage API for WWW::GCloud
WWW::GCloud 0.0.2 Framework for Google Cloud REST API family
Algorithm::XGBoost 0.0.6 A Raku bindings for XGBoost ( https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost ).
Algorithm::LibSVM 0.0.18 A Raku bindings for libsvm
WebService::HashiCorp::Vault 0.1.0 An API for managing secrets with Vault