Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Functional::LinkedList 0.0.2 Functional data structure linked list.
Functional::LinkedList 0.0.1 Functional data structure linked list.
Physics::Vector 0.0.1 Physics::Vector with Units
Math::Vector 0.6.0 Vector math class
Graph 0.0.9 Common graph functionalities.
Method::Protected 0.0.3 add "is protected" trait to methods
Net::NetRC 0.0.7 parse `.netrc` files
Config::Parser::NetRC 0.0.1 A NetRC parser for L<Config|https://github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Config>
Graph 0.0.8 Common graph functionalities.
SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel 0.0.7 establish remote forwarding SSH tunnel
Method::Protected 0.0.2 add "is protected" trait to methods
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240701 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
ValueClass 0.0.10 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueClass 0.0.9 A way to create immutable value objects
Terminal-MakeRaw 1.0.0 Switch a terminal to and from raw mode
Method::Protected 0.0.1 add "is protected" trait to methods
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240630 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
App::Crag 0.0.19 calculator using raku grammars
ValueClass 0.0.8 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueClass 0.0.7 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueTypeCache 0.0.6 A role to cache Value Type classes
Graph 0.0.7 Common graph functionalities.
JavaScript::D3 0.2.9 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
Graph 0.0.6 Common graph functionalities.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240628 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
App::Crag 0.0.18 calculator using raku grammars
Tuple 0.0.11 provide an immutable List value type
ValueList 0.0.3 Provide an immutable List value type
ValueClass 0.0.6 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueClass 0.0.5 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueType 0.0.6 A role to create Value Type classes
ValueClass 0.0.4 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueType 0.0.5 A role to create Value Type classes
ValueClass 0.0.3 A way to create immutable value objects
ValueClass 0.0.2 A way to create immutable value objects
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240627 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
ValueClass 0.0.1 blah blah blah
Graph 0.0.5 Common graph functionalities.
Text::Utils 3.4.4 Miscellaneous text utilities
Duckie 0.0.1 Raku bindings and wrapper for DuckDB
ake 0.1.3 A make-a-like implemented in Raku
Graph 0.0.4 Common graph functionalities.
JavaScript::D3 0.2.8 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.6 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
PDF 0.6.4 Base classes for reading, manipulation and writing of PDF data
WriteOnceHash 0.0.7 be a Hash in which each key can only be set once
Unix::errno 0.0.6 Provide transparent access to errno
uniprop 0.0.2 Provide uniprop- subs
Today 0.0.6 provide a 'today' term
Test::Assertion 0.0.6 provide 'is test-assertion' trait for older Rakus