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LLM::Prompts0.1.7Facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.
WWW::OpenAI0.3.1WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
App::Browser0.0.3OS independent interface to a browser
App::ShowPath0.0.1show the contents of the environment variable $PATH, in a browseable table form
SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel0.0.4establish remote forwarding SSH tunnel
Mmap::Native0.0.5interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
Mmap::Native0.0.4interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
Mmap::Native0.0.3interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
Mmap::Native0.0.2interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
LLM::Functions0.1.20LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
WWW::OpenAI0.3.0WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
WWW::MistralAI0.1.3WWW::MistralAI provides access to the MistralAI playground (https://mistral.ai).
Mmap::Native0.0.1interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel0.0.3establish remote forwarding SSH tunnel
Data::Geographics0.1.3Country data and city data.
PDF::Font::Loader0.8.2Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
PDF::Content0.8.1PDF content related classes; including text, images, fonts and graphics
SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel0.0.2establish remote forwarding SSH tunnel
MongoDB0.44.0MongoDB driver
SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel0.0.1blah blah blah
Red0.1.70A Raku ORM
BuildToolchainRepo0.0.1Repository of compiler build toolchains
Mi6::Helper0.11.2An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
YAMLish0.1.1a YAML parser/emitter written in pure raku
Date::Easter0.0.5Provides a routine to calculate the date of Easter in the Christian calendar
Date::Easter0.0.4Provides a routine to calculate the date of Easter in the Christian calendar
Data::Geographics0.1.2Country data and city data.
Terminal::Widgets0.1.3Basic TUI Widgets
QueryOS0.1.2Provides a class and an executable, C<query-os>, to list OS details
QueryOS0.1.1Provides a class and an executable, C<query-os>, to list OS details
Node::Ethereum::KeyStore::V30.0.22Raku module to manage Ethereum keystore files
DateTime::US0.1.5Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
LocalTime0.0.3A wrapper of class DateTime with varied formatters depending on time zone entry
Asserter0.1.0Be assertive in the form `assert EXPR, MESSAGE?`
Date::Event0.0.12Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any Raku program associated with the Raku Date type
Terminal::Widgets0.1.2Basic TUI Widgets
Terminal::Widgets0.1.1Basic TUI Widgets
DateTime::US0.1.4Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
DSL::Entity::Geographics0.1.3Grammars for geographic entities: countries, states, cities, ZIP codes, etc.
YAMLScript0.1.38Program in YAML
PDF::Class0.5.17PDF Document Object Model
DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows0.6.3Data query workflows building by natural language commands.
DSL::Shared0.2.5DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
PDF::Class0.5.16PDF Document Object Model
PDF::API60.2.8Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
Date::Easter0.0.3Provides a routine to calculate the date of Easter in the Christian calendar
Date::Christian::Advent0.0.2Provides routines to calculate the date of the First Sunday of Advent in the Christian calendar
Digest::SHA256::Native1.0.0Raku bindings to C implementation of SHA256
LibraryMake1.0.5An attempt to simplify native compilation
Date::Event0.0.11Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any Raku program associated with the Raku Date type