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Terminal::Widgets 0.1.2 Basic TUI Widgets
Terminal::Widgets 0.1.1 Basic TUI Widgets
DateTime::US 0.1.4 Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
DSL::Entity::Geographics 0.1.3 Grammars for geographic entities: countries, states, cities, ZIP codes, etc.
YAMLScript 0.1.38 Program in YAML
PDF::Class 0.5.17 PDF Document Object Model
DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows 0.6.3 Data query workflows building by natural language commands.
DSL::Shared 0.2.5 DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
PDF::Class 0.5.16 PDF Document Object Model
PDF::API6 0.2.8 Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
Date::Easter 0.0.3 Provides a routine to calculate the date of Easter in the Christian calendar
Date::Christian::Advent 0.0.2 Provides routines to calculate the date of the First Sunday of Advent in the Christian calendar
Digest::SHA256::Native 1.0.0 Raku bindings to C implementation of SHA256
LibraryMake 1.0.5 An attempt to simplify native compilation
Date::Event 0.0.11 Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any Raku program associated with the Raku Date type
LocalTime 0.0.2 A wrapper of class DateTime with varied formatters depending on time zone entry
PDF::ISO_32000_2 0.0.2 PDF 2.0 Tables and roles, mined from the PDF ISO-32000-2 specification
OpenSSL 0.2.2 OpenSSL bindings
Date::Names 2.3.2 Provides names for month and weekday numbers (multilingual).
DSL::Shared 0.2.4 DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
Date::Names 2.3.1 Provides names for month and weekday numbers (multilingual).
Date::Event 0.0.10 Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any Raku program associated with the Raku Date type
Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil 0.0.1 Simulating paper-and-pencil techniques for basic arithmetic operations
Compress::PDF 0.0.4 Provides PDF compression binary executables
DSL::Entity::Metadata 0.1.1 Grammar and role for metadata entities: data types, column names, schema names, etc.
Compress::PDF 0.0.3 Provides PDF compression binary executables
YAMLScript 0.1.37 Program in YAML
Compress::PDF 0.0.2 Provides PDF compression binary executables
PDF::ISO_32000_2 0.0.1 PDF 2.0 Tables and roles, mined from the PDF ISO-32000-2 specification
HTML::Canvas::To::PDF 0.0.12 PDF Rendering backend for the HTML Canvas (2D) API
PDF::Content 0.8.0 PDF content related classes; including text, images, fonts and graphics
HarfBuzz::Shaper::Cairo 0.0.7 Cairo integeration for the HarfBuzz font shaping library
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.21 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
Compress::PDF 0.0.1 Provides PDF compression binary executables
Terminal::Widgets 0.1.0 Basic TUI Widgets
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.13 Basic TUI Widgets
JSON::Hjson 0.0.3 Human JSON (Hjson) deserializer
Text::MiscUtils 0.0.9 A bag of small text processing tricks
Data::Translators 0.1.5 Translation of datasets, JSON specs, or JSON-like data structures into other formats.
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.20 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
DateTime::US 0.1.3 Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
DSL::Entity::AddressBook 0.1.0 Grammars for AddressBook entities: person names, company names, etc.
Configuration 0.0.11 A brand new and very nice module
Configuration 0.0.10 A brand new and very nice module
Markup::Calendar 0.2.1 Raku package with Markup (HTML, Markdown) calendar functions for displaying monthly, yearly, and custom calendars.
Timezones::US 0.0.7 Provides US time zone data and subroutines for use with modules 'DateTime::US' and 'LocalTime'
Markup::Calendar 0.2.0 Raku package with Markup (HTML, Markdown) calendar functions for displaying monthly, yearly, and custom calendars.
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.2.5 Jupyter Raku Chatbook that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
Jupyter::Kernel 1.0.2 Raku Kernel for Jupyter Notebooks
Text::Calendar 0.1.5 Raku package with text calendar functions for displaying monthly, yearly, and custom calendars.