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PublicSuffix 0.1.20230728 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
App::Rak 0.2.20 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
JSON::Unmarshal 0.15 Turn JSON into objects
App::Rak 0.2.19 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Shell::Command 1.1 provide cross-platform routines emulating common *NIX shell commands
if 0.1.2 Conditionally load a distribution
Shell::Command 1.0 provide **cross-platform** routines emulating common \*NIX shell commands
Text::Plot 0.1.0 Text plots.
Math::Libgsl::Matrix 0.6.0 An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Vectors and Matrices.
Chemistry::Stoichiometry 0.1.6 Package for Stoichiometry procedures: chemical formula parsing, chemical equations balancing. Contains relevant chemical element data. Multi-language support.
AttrX::Mooish 1.0.4 Extending attribute functionality with ideas from Moo/Moose
Text::SubParsers 0.1.1 Text::SubParsers is for extracting and processing of interpret-able sub-strings in texts
FontConfig 0.1.1 FontConfig native bindings
Raku::Pod::Render 4.8.4 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Lingy 0.1.0 A Clojure Platform for Raku
LLM::Functions 0.1.5 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
LLM::Functions 0.1.4 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
File::Find 0.1.2 Get a lazy list of a directory tree
FontConverter 0.0.1 Enables conversion between TrueType and PostScript Type 1 fonts
LLM::Functions 0.1.3 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Text::SubParsers 0.1.0 Text::SubParsers is for extracting and processing of interpret-able sub-strings in texts
META6 0.0.30 Work with Raku META files
JSON::Class 0.0.20 role to provide simple serialisation/deserialisation of objects to/from JSON
JSON::Unmarshal 0.14 Turn JSON into objects
PDF::Tags::Reader 0.0.8 Tagged PDF reader
Physics::Measure 1.0.8 Some support for physical measurements.
DateTime::Grammar 0.1.2 DateTime grammar and actions.
LLM::Functions 0.1.2 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
PDF::Tags 0.1.11 Reads and manipulates tagged PDF files
FontConfig 0.1.0 FontConfig native bindings
LLM::Functions 0.1.1 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.7 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
WWW::PaLM 0.1.6 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
Markdown::Grammar 0.5.2 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
LLM::Functions 0.1.0 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Raku::Pod::Render 4.8.3 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
JSON::Unmarshal 0.13 Turn JSON into objects
File::file 0.0.1 Provides a Raku wrapper for the system 'file' command
Text::CodeProcessing 0.5.4 A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
JSON::Unmarshal 0.12 Turn JSON into objects
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230717 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
WWW::PaLM 0.1.5 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.6 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
Iec104Parser 0.1 解析电力 IEC 104 报文
Raku::Pod::Render 4.8.2 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Shell::DSL 0.0.4 Run commands and pipe from one to another like you would in a Unix command line shell.
ML::FindTextualAnswer 0.1.2 ML::FindTextualAnswer provides function(s) for finding sub-strings in given text that appear to answer given questions.
ProblemSolver 0.0.1 Simple Constraint Programming Problem Solver
SOD 0.2.5 Binding for SOD lib
App::SerializerPerf 0.0.5 Performance tests for Raku data serializer codecs