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App::SerializerPerf 0.0.5 Performance tests for Raku data serializer codecs
ML::FindTextualAnswer 0.1.1 ML::FindTextualAnswer provides function(s) for finding sub-strings in a given text that appear to answer given questions.
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.5 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
ML::FindTextualAnswer 0.1.0 ML::FindTextualAnswer provides function(s) for finding sub-strings in a given text that appear to answer given questions.
Polyglot::Brainfuck 0.1 A module that allows true inline use of Brainfuck code
WWW::PaLM 0.1.4 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
WWW::OpenAI 0.2.4 WWW::OpenAI provides access to the OpenAI playground (https://platform.openai.com).
App::Tasks 0.3.2 Task Management CLI Appliication
Template::Nest::XS 0.1.10 Manipulate a generic template structure via a Raku hash
Github::PublicKeys 0.2.0 Provides a program to add Github's ssh keys to a user's '$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts' file
Date::Names 2.2.4 Provides names for month and weekday numbers (multilingual).
Tomtit 0.1.26 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
Text::CodeProcessing 0.5.3 A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
Net::Postgres 0.0.4 An asynchronous postgresql client
Text::CodeProcessing 0.5.2 A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
Resend 0.0.6 Raku SDK for Resend
Resend 0.0.5 Raku SDK for Resend
Resend 0.0.4 Raku SDK for Resend
Resend 0.0.2 Raku SDK for Resend
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.12 A sans-io postgresql client
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230709 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Github::PublicKeys 0.1.0 Provides a program to add Github's ssh keys to a user's '$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts' file
Github::PublicKeys 0.0.2 Provides a program to add Github's ssh keys to a user's '$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts' file
Github::PublicKeys 0.0.1 Provides a program to add Github's ssh keys to a user's '$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts' file
Collection 0.15.8 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Terminal::ANSIColor 0.9.1 Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
App::Gitstatus 0.0.2 Provides a program, 'git-status-check', to help maintain a directory of Git repositories
Text::CodeProcessing 0.5.1 A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
Collection 0.15.7 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Mi6::Helper 0.9.0 An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
Markdown::Grammar 0.5.1 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
SQL::Builder 0.1.0 build SQL statements
Raku::Pod::Render 4.8.0 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
EBNF::Grammar 0.1.4 EBNF grammar and interpreters.
FunctionalParsers 0.1.6 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
Font::FreeType 0.5.0 Raku bindings to the FreeType font library (version 2)
App::APOTD 1.0.9 Download today's Astronomy Picture of the Day!
App::Lorea 0.2.6 A command line utility to execute commands on filesystem changes
Linux::Cpuinfo 0.1.2 Get the kernel CPU information on Linux
EBNF::Grammar 0.1.3 EBNF grammar and interpreters.
Grammar::TokenProcessing 0.1.9 Processing grammar files in order to extract tokens, to replace token names, or to add fuzzy matching expressions in token definitions.
Chronic 0.0.12 Low-level Scheduling thingy for Raku
Attribute::Lazy 0.0.7 Trait to provide lazy initialisation of attributes
Audio::Silan 0.0.10 Detect audio cue-in, cue-out using silan https://github.com/x42/silan
Test::Util::ServerPort 0.0.5 Get a free server port for testing with
String::Utils 0.0.22 Provide some optimized string functions
FunctionalParsers 0.1.5 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
URI::FetchFile 0.0.6 retrieve a file from the internet by the best available method
Collection 0.15.6 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
SOD 0.2.1 Binding for SOD lib