Rand Stats

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Distribution Date
Chess 0.8.4 Chess-related stuff in raku.
Test::IO::Socket::Async 0.3 A test double for IO::Socket::Async
Test::Mock 1.8 Creation of stub objects using the Arrange, Act, Assert pattern
Method::Protected 0.0.4 add "is protected" trait to methods
Air::Play 0.0.8 blah blah blah
Air::Play 0.0.7 blah blah blah
Air 0.0.11 Just build websites the right way.
PDF::Lite 0.0.15 Minimal class for the creation and editing of PDF documents
Gnome::Gtk4 0.1.78 Modules for package Gnome::Gtk4:api<2>. The language binding to GNOME’s user interface toolkit version 4
Gnome::Gsk4 0.1.8 GSK is the rendering and scene graph API
Gnome::N 0.1.44 Modules for package Gnome::N:api<2>. The support library for other Gnome::* libraries
Gnome::Pango 0.1.12 Modules for package Gnome::Pango:api<2>. The language binding to Pango: Internationalized text layout and rendering
Sparrow6 0.0.64 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
Lingua::NumericWordForms 0.5.6 Lingua::NumericWordForms has generators, parsers, and interpreters of numeric word forms in different languages.
Terminal-API 1.0.0 Assorted functions to interact with TTYs
Elucid8::Build 0.10.7 Renders RakuDoc sources in multiple languages to web site
Sparrow6 0.0.63 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
APISports::Football 0.2.3 A module for interfacing with api-football.com
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.25.1 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.16 Raku package for number theory functions.
LLM::Functions 0.2.1 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
WWW::Gemini 0.0.16 WWW::Gemini provides access to Google's Gemini LLM models.
Air::Play 0.0.6 blah blah blah
Air 0.0.10 A way create web components without cro templates
Sparrow6 0.0.62 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
Zeco 0.0.1 An ecosystem hosting module for raku
RakuConfig 0.8.1 Get config files that are Raku structures
PublicSuffix 0.1.20250318 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Air::Play 0.0.5 blah blah blah
Air 0.0.9 A way create web components without cro templates
Air 0.0.8 A way create web components without cro templates
DateTime::strftime 0.0.3 provide strftime() formatting for DateTime objects
PublicSuffix 0.1.20250317 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
RakuConfig 0.8.0 Get config files that are Raku structures
Air 0.0.7 A way create web components without cro templates
Git::Blame::File 0.0.11 Who did what and when on a file in a Git repository
CLI::AWS::EC2-Simple 0.0.11 Simple AWS EC2 CLI command
YAMLScript 0.1.95 Program in YAML — Code is Data
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.15 Raku package for number theory functions.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20250314 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Air::Play 0.0.4 blah blah blah
Air 0.0.6 A way create web components without cro templates
PublicSuffix 0.1.20250313 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
EyeoftheBeholder3 0.4 DnD game based on the old Eye of the Beholder game
Air 0.0.5 A way create web components without cro templates
Air::Play 0.0.3 blah blah blah
REPL 0.0.21 A more easily configurable REPL
REPL 0.0.20 A more easily configurable REPL
Sparrow6 0.0.61 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
Sparrow6 0.0.60 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework