Rand Stats

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Distribution Date
Data::Dump 0.0.16 a colorful? data dumper for perl6
JavaScript::D3 0.2.32 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
Tomtit 0.1.30 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
Code::Coverage 0.0.8 produce code coverage reports
REPL 0.0.13 A more easily configurable REPL
Tomtit 0.1.29 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.7 Raku package number theory functions.
Tomtit 0.1.28 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
Prompt::Expand 0.0.3 provide prompt expansion logic
App::Ecosystems 0.0.9 Interactive Ecosystem Inspector
Commands 0.0.6 Handle interactive user commands
GEOS 0.0.5 Raku bindings and wrappers for libgeos
App::Ebread 0.2.3 EPUB dumper
CSS::Module 0.6.7 Raku CSS extended and property-specific grammars
CSS::Specification 0.4.15 CSS Property definition grammar and generation tools
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.6 Raku package number theory functions.
App::Stouch 0.2.1 Simple templated file creator
CSS::Specification 0.4.14 CSS Property definition grammar and generation tools
CSS::Grammar 0.3.12 Raku core CSS grammars
Data::Translators 0.1.9 Translation of datasets, JSON specs, or JSON-like data structures into other formats.
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.5 Raku package number theory functions.
Prompt::Expand 0.0.2 provide prompt expansion logic
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.4 Raku package number theory functions.
Pod::To::Man 1.2.0 Render Rakudoc as Roff for man
Prompt 0.0.9 A smarter prompt for user interaction
Map::Leaflet 0.0.9 Generate Leaflet maps
Prompt::Expand 0.0.1 provide prompt expansion logic
Blin 1.0.1 Project Blin – Toasting Reinvented
GEOS 0.0.4 Raku bindings and wrappers for libgeos
DateTime::strftime 0.0.2 provide strftime() formatting for DateTime objects
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.24.5 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.24.4 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
DateTime::strftime 0.0.1 provide strftime() formatting for DateTime objects
Map::DeckGL 0.0.3 Generate maps using deck.gl
WebService::Overpass 0.0.6 Simple wrapper to call the overpass API
Locale::Dates 0.0.4 encapsulate locale information about dates
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.24.3 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
Locale::Dates 0.0.3 encapsulate locale information about dates
WebService::Overpass 0.0.5 Simple wrapper to call the overpass API
PDF::Font::Loader 0.8.13 Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
Pod::To::Man 1.1.0 Render Rakudoc as Roff for man
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.24.2 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
REPL 0.0.12 A more easily configurable REPL
Prompt 0.0.8 A smarter prompt for user interaction
Rakuast::RakuDoc::Render 0.24.1 Renders RakuDoc v2 to text, HTML, HTML-Extra, Markdown
PublicSuffix 0.1.20250116 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Terminal::LineEditor 0.0.18 Generalized terminal line editing
Math::NumberTheory 0.0.3 Raku package number theory functions.
Sparrow6 0.0.50 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
Cromponent 0.0.10 A way create web components with cro templates