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Math::Fitting 0.0.3 Raku package with algorithms for line, curve, and hyper-plane fitting over sets of points.
ParaSeq 0.2.2 Parallel execution of Iterables
Math::Fitting 0.0.2 Raku package with algorithms for line, curve, and hyper-plane fitting over sets of points.
Collection 0.18.0 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
MongoDB 0.45.2 MongoDB driver
IO-Archive 0.0.3 Adds libarchive capabilities to IO::Path objects
IO-Archive 0.0.2 Adds libarchive capabilities to IO::Path objects
IO-Archive 0.0.1 Adds libarchive capabilities to IO::Path objects
DSL::Entity::Geographics 0.1.5 Grammars for geographic entities: countries, states, cities, ZIP codes, etc.
JavaScript::Google::Charts 0.0.8 Generation of JavaScript's Google Charts code for plots and charts.
Color::Palette 0.0.1 Module for working with color palettes.
YAMLScript 0.1.62 Program in YAML
Text::Wrap 0.0.4 Wrap texts.
JavaScript::D3 0.2.6 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
ParaSeq 0.2.1 Parallel execution of Iterables
Math::Fitting 0.0.1 Raku package with algorithms for line, curve, and hyper-plane fitting over sets of points.
ParaSeq 0.2.0 Parallel execution of Iterables
Raku::Pod::Render 4.10.6 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Sparky 0.2.7 Sparky is a flexible and minimalist continuous integration server and distribute tasks runner written in Raku
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240614 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Math::Nearest 0.0.4 Raku package with algorithms for finding nearest neighbors for different sets of objects.
JavaScript::D3 0.2.5 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
Algorithm::KDimensionalTree 0.1.1 K-dimensional Tree (K-d tree) algorithm implementations.
Data::Summarizers 0.2.5 Data summarizing functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
Sparrow6 0.0.49 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
Sparrow6 0.0.48 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
GraphQL 0.6.2 Perl6 implementation of GraphQL
path-utils 0.0.19 low-level path introspection utility functions
Term::termios 0.2.8 termios routines for Raku
YAMLScript 0.1.61 Program in YAML
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240611 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
JavaScript::Google::Charts 0.0.7 Generation of JavaScript's Google Charts code for plots and charts.
WWW::Gemini 0.0.13 WWW::Gemini provides access to Google's Gemini LLM models.
Data::Reshapers 0.3.7 Data reshaping functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
Cairo 0.3.6 Cairo 2D graphics library
FastCGI::NativeCall 0.0.12 An implementation of FastCGI using NativeCall
PublicSuffix 0.1.20240610 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Test::Selector 0.3.3 Mark and selectively run only parts of test files
JavaScript::Google::Charts 0.0.6 Generation of JavaScript's Google Charts code for plots and charts.
Net::AMQP 0.1.16 AMQP (RabbitMQ) 0.9.1 client
Crypt::LibScrypt 0.0.8 Binding for libscrypt password hashing
Data::Geographics 0.1.5 Country data and city data.
JavaScript::Google::Charts 0.0.5 Generation of JavaScript's Google Charts code for plots and charts.
MongoDB 0.45.1 MongoDB driver
ParaSeq 0.1.2 Parallel execution of Iterables
ParaSeq 0.1.1 Parallel execution of Iterables
Markdown::Grammar 0.5.8 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
Data::Translators 0.1.7 Translation of datasets, JSON specs, or JSON-like data structures into other formats.
ParaSeq 0.1.0 Parallel execution of Iterables
JavaScript::D3 0.2.4 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.