Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Test::META 0.0.20 Test a distributions META file
EBNF::Grammar 0.1.2 EBNF grammar and interpreters.
Font::FreeType 0.4.9 Raku bindings to the FreeType font library (version 2)
SOD 0.2 Binding for SOD lib
SOD 0.1 Binding for SOD lib
Object::Permission::Group 0.0.7 Object helper for Object::Permission using unix groups.
LibraryCheck 0.0.12 Quick hack to determine whether a shared libray is present
JSON::Infer 0.1.2 Infer Raku Classes from JSON input
Tomtit 0.1.25 Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
octans 0.2.5 Octans is a program to solve Algot's Wordplay (Wordsearch) puzzles
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230701 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Unix::Groups 0.0.7 Access to the Unix group file in Raku
AccessorFacade 0.1.2 Provides a method trait to turn indivdual get/set subroutines into a single attribute
GDBM 0.1.3 GNU dbm binding for Raku
Sys::Utmp 0.1.3 Raku access to Utmp entries on Unix-like systems
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.11 A sans-io postgresql client
MQ::Posix 0.0.5 binding for POSIX message queues
Ujumla 0.0.5 Read Config::General/Apache style configuration
URI::Template 0.0.11 URI Templates as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570
Oyatul 0.0.9 Abstract representation of a filesystem layout
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230630 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
FunctionalParsers 0.1.4 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
PDF::Content 0.6.12 PDF content related classes; including text, images, fonts and graphics
Data::Cryptocurrencies 0.1.3 Cryptocurrency data retrieval.
PDF::Content 0.6.11 PDF content related classes; including text, images, fonts and graphics
Template::Nest::Fast 0.2.8 Template::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for Raku
fez 53 one way to upload your dists to the masses.
EBNF::Grammar 0.1.1 EBNF grammar and interpreters.
WWW::PaLM 0.1.3 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
ML::Clustering 0.1.4 Package for clustering algorithms
ML::AssociationRuleLearning 0.1.3 Package for association rule learning. (Apriori, Eclat, support, confidence, lift, leverage, conviction.)
EBNF::Grammar 0.1.0 EBNF grammar and interpreters.
Collection 0.15.5 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Collection 0.15.4 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.7 Basic TUI Widgets
Terminal::Print 0.975 Asynchronous printing to your terminal -- as a simple grid
Font::FreeType 0.4.8 Raku bindings to the FreeType font library (version 2)
FunctionalParsers 0.1.2 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
LibXML 0.10.4 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230616 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
AlgorithmsIT 0.0.4 Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition
Template::Nest::Fast 0.2.7 Template::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for Raku
Raku::Pod::Render 4.7.3 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
License::SPDX 3.21.0 The SPDX licence list
FunctionalParsers 0.1.1 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
FunctionalParsers 0.1.0 A system of functional parsers (combinators, transformers, generators.)
Template::Nest::XS 0.1.9 Manipulate a generic template structure via a Raku hash
XML::Fast 0.0.2 A Raku module to turn XML into a Hash structure
LibXML::Class 0.0.1 General purpose XML de-/serialization for Raku
Abbreviations 2.1.0 Provides abbreviations for an input set of one or more words