Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Sparky 0.1.13 Sparky is a flexible and minimalist continuous integration server and distribute tasks runner written in Raku
JavaScript::D3 0.1.11 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
FEN::Grammar 0.0.4 Grammar for Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) used for describing positions of a chess game
GUI::Editors 0.1.7 A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.
Crypt::Argon2 0.2.1 Easy Argon2i password hashing
JavaScript::D3 0.1.10 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
python::itertools 1.0.0 Port of python itertools
FEN::Grammar 0.0.3 Grammar for Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) used for describing positions of a chess game
Contact 0.0.1 Contact, Address, Name, etc Parsing
Digest 1.1.0 Raku implementation of digest algorigthms.
JavaScript::D3 0.1.9 Generation of JavaScript's D3 code for plots and charts.
Display::Listings 0.1.9 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
Sparky 0.1.12 Sparky is a flexible and minimalist continuous integration server and distribute tasks runner written in Raku
Console::Blackjack 1.0.8 Console Blackjack for Raku
GUI::Editors 0.1.6 A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.
Display::Listings 0.1.6 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
GLib 0.0.5 Raku library bindings for GNOME's GLib
GUI::Editors 0.1.5 A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.
Display::Listings 0.1.5 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
GUI::Editors 0.1.4 A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.
Display::Listings 0.1.4 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
Display::Listings 0.1.3 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
Display::Listings 0.1.2 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.4 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
Data::Generators 0.1.7 Random data generation functions: strings, words, numbers, pet names, job titles, vectors, arrays, and tabular datasets.
File::Utils 0.1.1 A Raku module for converting various File system properties to symbolic form. For instance symbolic-perms(…) will give you the .rwxr-xr-x type representation……
File::Utils 0.1.0 A Raku module for converting various File system properties to symbolic form. For instance symbolic-perms(…) will give you the .rwxr-xr-x type representation……
LLM::Functions 0.1.17 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Physics::Measure 1.0.20 Some support for physical measurements.
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.2.4 Jupyter Raku Chatbook that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
Physics::Measure 1.0.19 Some support for physical measurements.
Config::BINDish 0.0.18 Extensible BIND9-like Configuration Files Support
WWW::MistralAI 0.1.2 WWW::MistralAI provides access to the MistralAI playground (https://mistral.ai).
RegexUtils 0.1.5 A Raku module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
RegexUtils 0.1.4 A Raku module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
Font::AFM 1.24.8 Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
Display::Listings 0.1.1 A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
YAMLScript 0.1.0 Program in YAML
App::Crag 0.0.15 calculator using raku grammars
Text::Plot 0.1.2 Text plots.
LLM::Functions 0.1.16 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Jupyter::Chatbook 0.2.3 Jupyter Raku Chatbook that produces LLM-aware notebooks (or chatbooks.)
WWW::MistralAI 0.1.1 WWW::MistralAI provides access to the MistralAI playground (https://mistral.ai).
WWW::MistralAI 0.1.0 WWW::MistralAI provides access to the MistralAI playground (https://mistral.ai).
Net::Snapcast 0.0.5 Control Snapcast audio players
Raku::Pod::Render 4.10.0 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
OO::Actors 0.2 A basic and partial implementation of actors using Raku meta-programming.
Array::Unsorted::Map 0.0.3 Provide a Map interface for 2 unsorted lists
Array::Sparse 0.0.9 role for sparsely populated Arrays
Array::Agnostic 0.0.11 be an array without knowing how