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Font::FreeType 0.4.7 Raku bindings to the FreeType font library (version 2)
fez 52 one way to upload your dists to the masses.
Raku::Pod::Render 4.7.2 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Archive::SimpleZip 0.7.0 Write Zip Files.
Data::Summarizers 0.2.3 Data summarizing functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
Raku::Pod::Render 4.7.1 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Raku::Pod::Render 4.7.0 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230610 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
Terminal::LineEditor 0.0.15 Generalized terminal line editing
Terminal::Capabilities 0.0.1 Container for terminal capabilities, with useful defaults
Terminal::LineEditor 0.0.14 Generalized terminal line editing
DSL::Entity::WeatherData 0.1.0 Grammar and role for metadata entities: data types, column names, schema names, etc.
Net::Postgres 0.0.3 An asynchronous postgresql client
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.10 A sans-io postgresql client
Terminal::Print 0.974 Asynchronous printing to your terminal -- as a simple grid
AlgorithmsIT 0.0.3 Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition
AlgorithmsIT 0.0.2 Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.6 Basic TUI Widgets
AlgorithmsIT 0.0.1 Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230607 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
SQL::Abstract 0.0.6 Generate SQL from Raku data structures
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.9 A sans-io postgresql client
CSV::Parser 0.1.4 Parses CSV files, duh
DSL::Shared 0.2.0 DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
MUGS 0.1.3 Multi-User Gaming Services - A Raku-based platform for game service development
MUGS::UI::WebSimple 0.1.3 WebSimple UI for MUGS, including HTTP gateway and game UIs
MUGS::UI::TUI 0.1.3 Fullscreen Terminal UI for MUGS, including App and game UIs
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.5 Basic TUI Widgets
MUGS::UI::CLI 0.1.3 CLI UI for MUGS, including App and game UIs
MUGS::Games 0.1.3 Free-as-in-speech game implementations for MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
MUGS::Core 0.1.3 Core modules for MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
Data::Reshapers 0.3.4 Data reshaping functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.2 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.1 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
Collection 0.15.3 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Raku::Pod::Render 4.6.4 A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.
Data::Reshapers 0.3.3 Data reshaping functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
Data::TypeSystem 0.1.0 Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
Physics::Navigation 0.0.3 Some units for navigation.
Physics::Constants 1.0.2 Some support for physical constants.
Physics::Constants 1.0.1 Some support for physical constants.
BusyIndicator 0.5.0 Luxafor Indicators based on Google Calendar and Webcam Status
Physics::Measure 1.0.7 Some support for physical measurements.
Archive::SimpleZip 0.6.0 Write Zip Files.
Physics::Error 0.1.3 some code to handle physical measurement errors (nothing to do with programming errors!)
Physics::Unit 1.1.10 Some support for physical units.
Math::Polygons 0.0.6 Some perl6 polygon objects that draw using SVG.
Dan::Polars 0.0.3 Bridge Dan to Rust Polars
Dan::Pandas 0.0.3 Bridge Dan to Python Pandas
Dan 0.0.3 Top level roles for Data Analytics.