Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
App::Rak 0.2.18 21st century grep / find / ack / ag / rg on steroids
Ecosystem::Archive::Update 0.0.24 Updating the Raku Ecosystem Archive
JSON::Fast::Hyper 0.0.5 Read/Write hyperable JSON
JSON::Fast::Hyper 0.0.4 Read/Write hyperable JSON
SQL::Abstract 0.0.5 Generate SQL from Raku data structures
LibXML 0.10.3 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
Template::Nest::Fast 0.2.6 Template::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for Raku
Inline::J 0.2.0 Use the J programming language inside Raku
FontFactory::Type1 1.1.0 Provides the standard PostSript fonts in a friendly package for use with many 'PDF::*' modules
SQL::Builder::ExecuteWithDBIish 0.0.1 Execute SQL::Builder queries with DBIish
App::Tasks 0.3.1 Task Management CLI Appliication
Inline::J 0.1.5 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Inline::J 0.1.4 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Inline::J 0.1.3 Use the J programming language inside Raku
Sys::IP 0.1.0 Get host IP / Interfaces
Email::Valid 1.0.6 Email validator for Raku
Terminal::Size 1.0.1 Raku library to getting the size of your terminal.
Inline::J 0.1.2 Use the J programming language inside Raku
SQL::Builder 0.0.3 build SQL statements
SQL::Abstract 0.0.4 Generate SQL from Raku data structures
WWW::PaLM 0.1.2 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
Template::Nest::Fast 0.2.5 Template::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for Raku
Net::Osc 0.2.4 Open Sound Control for Perl6
Slang::Otherwise 0.0.3 Slang to add 'otherwise' block to 'for' loops
Inline::J 0.1.1 Use the J programming language inside Raku
PDF 0.5.18 Base classes for reading, manipulation and writing of PDF data
Inline::J 0.1.0 Use the J programming language inside Raku
FontFactory::Type1 1.0.1 Provides the standard PostSript fonts in a friendly package for use with many 'PDF::*' modules
DSL::Shared 0.1.9 DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
Template::Nest::Fast 0.2.4 Template::Nest::Fast is a high-performance template engine module for Raku
WWW::PaLM 0.1.1 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
File-TreeBuilder 0.1.1 Build text-scripted trees of files
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.4 Basic TUI Widgets
WWW::PaLM 0.1.0 WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).
FontFactory::Type1 1.0.0 Provides the standard PostSript fonts in a friendly package for use with many 'PDF::*' modules
Test::Async 0.1.14 Thread-safe testing framework
File-TreeBuilder 0.1.0 Build text-scripted trees of files
Net::Postgres 0.0.2 An asynchronous postgresql client
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.8 A sans-io postgresql client
SQL::Abstract 0.0.3 Generate SQL from Raku data structures
Grammar::TokenProcessing 0.1.8 Processing grammar files in order to extract tokens, to replace token names, or to add fuzzy matching expressions in token definitions.
Protocol::Postgres 0.0.7 A sans-io postgresql client
Email::MIME 2.0.7 Simple MIME email parsing module
PDF 0.5.17 Base classes for reading, manipulation and writing of PDF data
PDF::Grammar 0.3.1 Raku grammars for parsing PDF Content Streams and File Structure
raku-mailgun 0.0.2 A very incomplete mailgun module. PRs welcome.
raku-mailgun 0.0.1 A very incomplete mailgun module. PRs welcome.
Term::Choose 1.9.1 Choose items from a list interactively.
Humming-Bird 2.1.6 A simple and composable web applications framework.
Humming-Bird 2.1.5 A simple and composable web applications framework.