Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
GLib 0.0.4 Raku library bindings for GNOME's GLib
GIO 0.0.1 Perl6 library bindings for GNOME's GIO library
Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON 0.6 Makefile based distribution builder
Humming-Bird 3.0.3 A simple and composable web applications framework.
PublicSuffix 0.1.20231120 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
OrderedHash 0.0.4 A Hash you can order the way you'd like
PublicSuffix 0.1.20231119 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
CSV-Autoclass 0.2.0 Define a class with a CSV file and provide data for a list of class objects in the same file
PDF::Tags::Reader 0.0.13 Tagged PDF reader
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.14 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.6 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
HowToUseModuleResources 0.0.2 Demonstrates access to $?DISTRIBUTION for installed module distributions
JSON::Class 0.0.3 JSON de-/serialization for classes and roles
HowToUseModuleResources 0.0.1 Demonstrates access to $?DISTRIBUTION and %?RESOURCES for installed module distributions
Bitcoin::Core::Secp256k1 0.0.21 Raku binding to optimized C library for ECDSA signatures
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.5 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.13 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
AttrX::Mooish 1.0.7 Extending attribute functionality with ideas from Moo/Moose
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.4 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.3 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
Digest::HMAC 1.0.7 Generic HMAC implementation
PDF::Tags::Reader 0.0.12 Tagged PDF reader
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.12 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
Num::HexFloat 0.1.3 Rudimentary C99 Hexadecimal Floating Point Support in Perl6
LLM::Functions 0.1.13 LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
Test::Async 0.1.16 Thread-safe testing framework
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.2 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
Raygui::Bindings 0.0.1 Raygui bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raygui.h and auto generate the bindings
Clipboard 0.1.2 Raku package for using clipboards of different operating systems. (I.e., copy and paste with any OS.)
PDF::Tags 0.1.16 Reads and manipulates tagged PDF files
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.11 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
LLM::Containerization 0.1.1 Docker containers, Cro Web API, and CLI scripts packaging LLM functionalities.
ML::FindTextualAnswer 0.2.1 ML::FindTextualAnswer provides function(s) for finding sub-strings in given text that appear to answer given questions.
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.10 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.9 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
Tomty 0.0.20 Tomty - Raku Test Framework
LLM::Containerization 0.1.0 Docker containers, Cro Web API, and CLI scripts packaging LLM functionalities.
Raylib::Bindings 0.0.8 Raylib bindings for raku, using grammar to parse raylib.h and auto generate the bindings
PDF::Extract 0.0.1 simple extract PDF to text|html|xml
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.11 Basic TUI Widgets
Terminal::Widgets 0.0.10 Basic TUI Widgets
PDF::Font::Loader 0.7.8 Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
App::Workflows::Github 0.2.2 a CI/CD workflow collection for Raku Module developers.
App::Workflows::Github 0.2.1 a CI/CD workflow collection for Raku Module developers.
Math::Interval 0.0.2 An elementary implementation of Interval Arithmetic using raku Ranges
Humming-Bird 3.0.2 A simple and composable web applications framework.
PDF::Combiner 0.0.1 Provides routines and a program to combine and title PDF documents
PDF::Tags::Reader 0.0.11 Tagged PDF reader
PublicSuffix 0.1.20231109 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
PDF::Tags::Reader 0.0.10 Tagged PDF reader