Rand Stats

Recent Distributions

Distribution Date
Pop 0.0.3 A simple 2D game engine
Game::Entities 0.1.6 A simple entity registry for ECS designs
Unicode 0.0.1 provide information about Unicode versions
Intl::Format::Number 0.2.0 A module for formatting numbers in a localized manner
Proxee 1.3 A more usable Proxy with bells
sourcery 0.0.5 Turn a sub / method call into file(s) / linenumbers(s)
Proxee 1.2 A more usable Proxy with bells
Distribution::Builder::Cmake 0.0.7 A zef builder to aid in binding CMake projects to Raku
Spreadsheet::XLSX 0.3 Work with Excel (XLSX) spreadsheets.
Data::Cryptocurrencies 0.1.2 Cryptocurrency data retrieval.
Markdown::Grammar 0.4.6 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
Data::Cryptocurrencies 0.1.1 Cryptocurrency data retrieval.
Collection 0.14.4 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Collection 0.14.3 Collects a collection of content files in Rakudoc (aka POD6) files and creates output based on configuration files
Data::Cryptocurrencies 0.1.0 Cryptocurrency data retrieval.
Slang::Otherwise 0.0.2 Slang to add 'otherwise' block to 'for' loops
Monad-Result 0.0.3 A simple implementation of the Result monad from OCaml
Slang::Otherwise 0.0.1 Slang to add 'otherwise' block to 'for' loops
Test::Async 0.1.10 Thread-safe testing framework
LibXML 0.9.9 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
SparrowCI-SandBox 0.0.7 SparrowCI::Sandbox
Markdown::Grammar 0.4.5 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
SparrowCI 0.0.11 SparrowCI - super fun and flexible CI system with many programming languages support
PublicSuffix 0.1.20230208 Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
LibXML 0.9.8 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
Text::CodeProcessing 0.4.9 A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
Chart::EasyGnuplot 0.1.3 A simple module to create simple plots using Chart::Gnuplot
Chart::EasyGnuplot 0.0.2 A simple module to create simple plots using Chart::Gnuplot
DateTime::Grammar 0.1.1 DateTime grammar and actions.
Chart::EasyGnuplot 0.0.1
LibXML 0.9.7 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
Gnome::Gtk3 0.48.16 Raku - Gnome GTK+ Interface
DateTime::Grammar 0.1.0 DateTime grammar and actions.
TAP 0.3.14 TAP harness for raku
Terminal::Graphing::BarChart 2.0.0 A library for generating command line bar charts
Data::MessagePack 0.1.3 Raku implementation of MessagePack
Listicles 1.6.0 Adds convenience methods to Array
LibXML 0.9.6 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
RegexUtils 0.1.3 Module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
RegexUtils 0.1.2 Module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
RegexUtils 0.1.1 Module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
RegexUtils 0.1.0 Module that provides helpers for Regex stuff both Perl5 and EMCA262Regex
Listicles 1.5.1 Adds convenience methods to Array
Spit 0.0.31 The Spook in the Shell (Spit-sh) compiler
Distribution::Builder::Cmake 0.0.6 A zef builder to aid in binding CMake projects to Raku
LibXML 0.9.5 Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
Distribution::Builder::Cmake 0.0.5 A zef builder to aid in binding CMake projects to Raku
App::termie 0.2.2 A console for your console
MongoDB 0.43.23 MongoDB driver
Markdown::Grammar 0.4.4 Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.